User testimonials

What our users say about Medis

Dr. Robin Nijveldt

Dr. Robin Nijveldt

Professor of Cardiovascular Imaging and Cardiologist at Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.

Robin Nijveldt is a Professor of Cardiovascular Imaging and Cardiologist at the Radboud University Medical Center (Nijmegen, the Netherlands), as well as connected to the Radboud Institute for Health Sciences. He works in a high-volume site, at the department of Cardiology focusing on the Vascular damage research theme, with a special interest in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging, CT and echocardiography, and in close collaboration with the department of Radiology. He is interested in new imaging techniques and innovative strategies on today’s scientific health challenges with the aim to improve patient outcome in a personalized approach.
How long have you been using Medis Suite MR and what aspects attracted you to this product?

I have worked with Medis for 20 years now and have been using Medis Suite MR both for clinical purposes (LV volumes, Ejection fraction, Strain and Flow and 4Dflow for congenital patients) and research (stress perfusion quantification). I have seen Medis grow throughout the years and stayed in close contact with the team to share ideas and suggestions. I feel that Medis actively uses my input to improve the products and overall customer experience.
What are the benefits that you experience from using Medis Suite MR? How did it change your day-to-day practice?

Medis has been part of my day-to-day practice since 2003. When I first started using Medis Suite MR, the analysis would take long time, but in the last 20 years I’ve experienced the innovativeness of Medis especially since the introduction of Artificial Intelligence. Now the results are analyzed in the background and automatically calculated all with a single click. It provides me with a rapid, reliable analysis. Currently, the AI in the software is so powerful that in some cases adaptation might even worsen your outcome.
This has increased our ease of use, saved us a lot of time and consequently increased the quality of the clinical reporting.

What made Medis (Suite MR) stand out from other options in the market?

When you select a software solution/provider, it is highly likely that you are getting used to the way it works, you get trained on the particular features, functionality and workflow which makes it harder to switch to a different one. However, for me Medis Suite MR is quite intuitive that anyone could easily adapt.

Dr. Erasmo de la Pena-Almaguer

Director of Cardiovascular Medicine Institute at Tec Salud, technologico de Monterrey Hospital Zambrano Hellion, Monterrey, Mexico

Erasmo de la Pena-Almaguer is a Cardiologist with postdoctoral training in Nuclear Cardiology, MAgnetic Resonance Imaging and Cardiovascular Comouted Tomography, with a fellowship both at Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School and Stanford University Medical Center Founding member of SCCT and Fellow of the American College of Cardiology as well ad the SCCT He currently is the director of the Cardiovascular Medicine Institute at Tec Salud, Tecnológico de Monterrey Hospital Zambrano Hellion in Monterrey Mexico

How long have you been using Medis Suite MR and what aspects attracted you to this product?

I have been using Medis post processing solutions for more than 15 years and what has attracted me is the ease of use and the great amount  of information that it provides.

What are the benefits that you experience from using Medis Suite MR?

What I always saw as a big benefit is the super expedited processing, with all the tools needed for a comprehensive cardiac MR report.

What are your thoughts on the newly released novel parameter, Inward Displacement?

Inward Displacement is a great new tool that will allow to quantify wall motion abnormalities in an objective way. I recently published a case report demonstrating the use of Inward Displacement to objectively confirm regional dysfunction in a patient with a myocardial infarct.

What made Medis (Suite MR) stand out from other options in the market?

For me it is the ease of use and having a total comprehensive tool for every type of pathology analysed using CMR.

Dr. Dietrich Beitzke

Radiologist, Head of Cardiovascular Magnetic resonance imaging at the Medical University of Vienna

Dr. Dietrich Beitzke leads the cardiovascular MR Unit at the Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy of the Medical University of Vienna. His research focuses on cardiac MR after PD. Dr. Dietrich Beitzke leads the cardiovascular MR Unit at the Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy of the Medical University of Vienna. His research focuses on cardiac MRI after transplantation and hybrid PET/MR in cardiovascular diseases.

How long have you been using Medis Suite MR and what aspects attracted you to this product?

We are using Medis Suite MR since 2016 for our research and in clinical routine. The most important aspect is the improvement of our CMR post-processing workflow in terms of time and accuracy.

What are the benefits that you experience from using Medis Suite MR? How did it change your day-to-day practice?

Medis Suite MR really improved our clinical workflow especially with implementation of the robust automated ventricular contouring and the clearly arranged reporting function.

What are your thoughts on QMap within Medis Suite MR and in what way did QMap change/affect your daily workflow?

QMap improved especially the work up of newly diagnosed left ventricular hypertrophy and improved our capability to monitor treatment response in storage diseases like cardiac amyloidosis and Fabry Anderson Disease.

What made Medis (Suite MR) stand out from other options in the market?

We are very satisfied with the customer service Medis is providing. The after sales service is always easily accessible.

Prof. Atilla Toth

Radiologist at Gottsegen György Hungarian Institute of Cardiology & Semmelweis University, Hungary

Professor Atilla Toth is a radiologist and cardiac MR specialist with 20 years of experience with interest areas of congenital heart disease, GUCH/ACHD. Staff member from 2004 at the Heart and Vascular Center of Semmelweis University. Radiology Board Certification in 2008. Level 3 EACVI certified CMR and CHD CMR specialist.

How long have you been using Medis Suite MR and what aspects attracted you to this product?

I’ve started my CMR career on a 1.5T GE scanner. The console was running IRIX on an Octane 2 and by that time Advantage Workstation 2.0 was running Solaris on Sparc hardware. Medis QMass 3.0 and QFlow were delivered as the evaluation software for cardiac use. I’ve been using Medis since than. I’ve used different versions of Medis on Linux and eventually on Windows. The graphical user experience is an important aspect for me, for example rubber-banding.

What are the benefits that you experience from using Medis Suite MR?

It is good to speed up the workflow using automated modules and options, but it is still important to be able to interact and modify a given step if I’d like to do so. If the workflow is too strict/hard-wired or it is hard to adjust the automatic end-result upon need, I prefer the alternative that lets me play.

What are your thoughts on the newly released novel parameter, Inward displacement?

QStrain is a quick and easy solution, but I’ve found the bull’s eye visualization not intuitive enough in a lot of cases.

On the other hand, Inward Displacement module with it’s simple mechanical concepts reflects wall motion abnormalities better in my opinion. It can be especially helpful for those who are less experienced or experts who have to supervise multiple cases.

What made Medis (Suite MR) stand out from other options in the market?

If I have to mention a useful feature, I’d emphasize AutoQ contour detection and mapping co-registration for easy ECV evaluation. I think Medis is easy to integrate, it runs on almost any hardware (true for both the server and the clients) and several colleagues can work concurrently with the floating license mechanism. Session files stores calipers and by a click of a button it brings me to the place of measurement in 3DView.

“We have been using QFR® since 2022. It will streamline the Cath Lab workflow, increasing the pre and post adoption of coronary physiology. For me, the benefits of QFR® are both the cost effectiveness as well as the time efficiency.”

Dr. Yuhei Kobayashi

Interventional cardiologist / Cardiologist

“We are excited to launch Medis QFR® in the VA Connecticut Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory. This innovative technology helps us provide cutting-edge, guided care to our Veterans with coronary artery disease.”

Dr. Samit Shah

Interventional cardiologist / Cardiologist

This technique is simpler, safer and less expensive with equivalent outcomes and will conceivably be readily and widely adopted. Angiographically derived FFR, and specifically QFR®, should, in the future, be used routinely, reserving the invasive wire-based FFR approach for the challenging minority of cases where QFR® accuracy is questioned. 

Dr. Morton J. Kern

Interventional cardiologist / Cardiologist

“State-of-the-art approach in acute coronary syndrome targets on the “pancoronary risk”. This can be assessed easily, safely, and reproducibly by QFR®.”

Dr. David M. Leistner

Interventional cardiologist / Cardiologist

Logo Goethe University Frankfurt am Main
“I am a strong believer QFR® adds invaluable parameters to the diagnostic angiogram. This will move us to one test that will give us all the information.”

Prof. Andreas Baumbach

Interventional cardiologist / Cardiologist

“QFR® is a robust technology and it provides good diagnostic information and guiding information”

Dr. Niels Holm

Clinical Researcher

Medis Suite MR has increased our ease of use, saved us a lot of time, and consequently increased the quality of clinical reporting.”

Dr. Robin Nijveldt


Logo of the UMCU Utrecht

Inward displacement is a great new tool that will allow to quantify wall motion abnormalities in an objective way”

Dr. Erasmo de la Peña-Almaguer


Medis Suite MR is automated, but also gives the flexibility to interact”

Prof. Atilla Toth


Medis Suite MR is our primary solution for reading CMR studies. Medis provides reliable and easy to use tools. We review cases with the team each day and find the viewer extremely valuable for these review sessions.”

Dr. David Leistner


Logo Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

Medis Suite MR improved our CMR post-processing workflow in terms of time and accuracy.”

Dr. Dietrich Beitzke


Medis Suite MR is our primary solution for reading CMR studies. Medis provides reliable and easy to use tools. We review cases with the team each day and find the viewer extremely valuable for these review sessions.”

Dr. Raymond Kwong


Brigham Health logo

“We have been studying coronary plaque using Medis Suite CT in patients with familial hypercholesteremia and were able to find that amount of plaque burden correlates with the estimated cardiovascular risk and number of future clinical events. This may be highly relevant for future development of personalized lipid lowering treatment. With help of the robust Medis Quantitative Plaque Analysis tools we were able to obtain our results in an efficient and highly reproducible manner.”

Leopoldo Perez de Isla, MD, PhD, FESC

Director cardiovascular imaging

Logo of San Carlos Hospital Clinico

“Assessment of left ventricular global longitudinal strain on CT data with Medis Suite CT is very fast and reproducible, providing an additional piece of information in the risk stratification of patients undergoing to TAVI.”

Victoria Delgado, MD

Head of department of cardiovascular imaging

“We have been using the Medis Suite XA in our core laboratory since 1991. All major interventional device trials with angiographic endpoints have been evaluated using Medis Suite XA as the standard.”

Alexandra J. Lansky, MD

Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine

Medis Suite XA has proven to be very intuitive and easy to learn, even with the challenging cases in our large real-world population trial. Medis Suite XA allows us to perform a high volume of quantitative angiographic analyses with limited personnel.”

Clemens von Birgelen, PD PhD

Professor of Interventional Cardiology

“Our technology offerings will allow Medis to complement and further enhance its already impressive suite of clinical offerings and spur innovation.”

Dr. Giovanni Tonti

Former CEO of Amid

QIvus RE’s semi-automatic contour detection is excellent making it easy to quickly calculate volumetric and VH data.”

Sinan Biro

Manager Intravascular Imaging Laboratory, Cardiovascular Research Foundation

“Current QIvus RE software greatly shortened the time taken for OCT analysis. This is a big progress for us.”

