QFR proves to be an effective substitute for invasive physiological assessment, due to a high negative predictive value of 92.3%

Reading time: 3 mins
Written on: March 7, 2024
Dr. Liontou and co-authors, under the leadership of Dr. K. Triantafyllou of the 1st Cardiology Dept. at Evangelismos General Hospital in Athens, Greece, published this interesting paper in Int. J. Cardiovascular Imaging.
This is a prospective, single-center study that included 60 vessels from 48 STEMI patients, in which QFR for the non-culprit lesions was compared with non-hyperaemic pressure ratios NHPRs (iFR (15%), DFR (47%), or RFR (38%)). High diagnostic accuracy was found for QFR relative to NHPR with a sensitivity of 84.2%, specificity of 100%, positive predictive value of 100%, and a negative predictive value of 93.2%. The authors concluded that due to its high negative predictive value, QFR can be used to safely avoid unnecessary invasive physiological assessment of these lesions.

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