Influence of lesion and disease subsets on the diagnostic performance of the quantitative flow ratio in real‑world patients

Reading time: 1 mins
Written on: February 29, 2024
Dr. J Westra and multiple co-authors, under the supervision of Dr. EH Christiansen, Dept of Cardiology, Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark, published this interesting paper in JACC Imaging.
In this prospective study, 250 patients (320 vessels) were included and referred to Rb-PET imaging as well as FFR and QFR. QFR and FFR had a similar diagnostic performance on a per-patient level, with an accuracy of 73% and 71%, respectively, using Rb-PET as the reference. The authors concluded that the wire-free QFR solution showed similar diagnostic accuracy as invasive FFR in evaluating intermediate coronary stenosis with Rb-PET as the reference modality. Transform your practice with the cutting-edge features of Medis QFR®.

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