1-on-1 interviews
with our users

Dr. Beitzke, M.D.

Radiologist, Head of Cardiovascular Magnetic resonance imaging at the Medical University of Vienna

"Medis Suite MR improved our CMR post-processing workflow in terms of time and accuracy."

Dr. Dietrich Beitzke leads the cardiovascular MR Unit at the Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy of the Medical University of Vienna. His research focuses on cardiac MR after PD. Dr. Dietrich Beitzke leads the cardiovascular MR Unit at the Department of Biomedical Imaging and Image-guided Therapy of the Medical University of Vienna. His research focuses on cardiac MRI after transplantation and hybrid PET/MR in cardiovascular diseases.

How long have you been using Medis Suite MR and what aspects attracted you to this product?

We are using Medis Suite MR since 2016 for our research and in clinical routine. The most important aspect is the improvement of our CMR post-processing workflow in terms of time and accuracy.

What are the benefits that you experience from using Medis Suite MR? How did it change your day-to-day practice?

Medis Suite MR really improved our clinical workflow especially with implementation of the robust automated ventricular contouring and the clearly arranged reporting function.

What are your thoughts on QMap within Medis Suite MR and in what way did QMap change/affect your daily workflow?

QMap improved especially the work up of newly diagnosed left ventricular hypertrophy and improved our capability to monitor treatment response in storage diseases like cardiac amyloidosis and Fabry Anderson Disease.

What made Medis (Suite MR) stand out from other options in the market?

We are very satisfied with the customer service Medis is providing. The after sales service is always easily accessible.